Short, Simple and Sweet

A blog about family, fitness, nutrition, and staying sane while finding the perfect balance.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Super beauty tonic...

I went grocery shopping this morning and noticed there was a bunch of products on sale, and I'm a sucker for sales and saw this product:

From their website: NeoCell states:

"Collagen is essential for the structure and function of many connective tissues which glue other tissues and organs together. As aging is closely associated with the loss of collagen and the deterioration of the connective tissue, supplementation of bioavailable hydrolyzed collagen helps to counteract the negative consequences."

SO I decided to play around with creating a super beauty tonic... and here is what I came up with:

The verdict: This tonic/smoothie might have benefited from a drop or two of stevia but it was pretty tasty and FILLING. I will def continue this recipe maybe a couple times a week and then report on any changes/findings. 

That's it for now. If you enjoy my weird concoctions/ramblings please subscribe.. will give me a healthy dose of ongoing motivation. Thank you!!!!! Perhaps if I gain enough subscriptions I will have to do some kind of giveaway... ;)


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